Friday, April 4, 2014

Welcome Home!

Hey everyone!

As you might have noticed, this is sort of (and I'll explain why) a sister blog to Good Morning Minneapolis. This one is also by me, and I found that I really missed blogging about artistic ventures and my writing. I want to grow as an artist and as an individual, and makeup/skincare/beauty is only one part of that, and frankly it's rather small.

So here I will post about art, art projects, writing, poetry, snail mail (hey, I consider snail mail a form of art!), book reviews, etc. It's sort of like a personal blog, but not really (I guess? You'll have to listen to a lot of me rambling, I'm sorry to say). My thoughts, my blog. 

All are welcome here. If you like art, books, snail mail, photography, maybe even just me! You can certainly tag along for the ride. 

I can't promise any consistent posting (at least now), but I will try my hardest to be as frequent and interesting as possible, but what interests me may not interest you. 

It's funny, because I think the names of my blogs are rather fitting. Two sides to me, two sorts of blogs; maybe I'm being a little silly, but I'm glad it worked out this way. 

Current video games may or may not show up here (I haven't decided if that's something I want to blog about yet or not, we'll see).

Anyway, this is me:

A slightly pretentious shot, but I haven't done any self portraiture (showing my face, anyway) as of late. I'm twenty-two, almost done with my degree (Classical Civilization with minors in French and Classical & Near Eastern Archaeology). I'm passionate about archaeology, the past, and analyzing text. I enjoy reading, knitting, writing, photography, cats, rabbits, vegetarianism, makeup, good food, good friends, wine, sake, sleeping, sleeping, and more sleeping. 

Basically I'm just a person with a blog.

Ask if there's anything you're curious about, otherwise... Enjoy the ride.

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